
Dr Mia Johnson Divorce specialist coach headshot

The only thing I dislike more than reading Bios is writing one of my own. Trust me when I say I never set out to do all the things I’ve done with “intent.” I was just born inquisitive, a question mark in human form. I think my “Bio” should be where you get to know me as a person, not just my education or accomplishments, so I saved us both the misery and made myself a “boring page” where you can find all that if it’s important to you. Here, I’m just going to talk to you like we’re having a first conversation about how you probably found your way here and why, more likely than not, I’m a person who can help you figure out “what next.” 

That’s why we’re here, so let’s talk about it. 

From the moment we are born, our lives become a tapestry of interconnected stories—stories we’ve learned from how and where we were raised, experiences, and relationships. Those stories get woven together to create a narrative we tell ourselves about how the world works and how we fit into that world.  But Life throws curveballs. (I always think of the words from that song, “when life throws you curves, you learn to swerve…”) and now those stories become tangled, outdated, or no longer serve. Whatever it is, a sudden loss, a major life change, a crisis in the blueprints for our old lives no longer fit, and we’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of what comes next. 

I know. I’ve been there—more times than I care to remember. Here are some things I’ve learned: 

1. Unlike an ostrich, you don’t have the option of sticking your head in the sand; at some point, you’re going to have to figure out how to deal with whatever it is. The best way to deal with anything is first to understand it and then know your options. Then, weigh those options without emotion and come up with a plan based on strategy.  

That’s where I came in. I’m pretty much a “Now What” Strategist.  

A little bit quirky-but then, expect the non-conventional from me. That defines me well. And I could use SO many titles-choose whatever one suits you. Strategist, Counselor, Coach, Mediator, Evaluator, Facilitator. They all fit. 

So, if you happen to be in a “now what” phase, let me tell you how I can help. First things first, you need to step back from where you are now, emotion-filled or not, and look over the old blueprints. Remember, we don’t see the World as it is but rather as we are. We need to challenge your assumptions. Different people are given different gifts-some are athletic, some are musical-I was blessed with an uncanny ability to listen to someone and hear not only what they are saying but just as clearly what is not being.  said. 

 I hold Bachelor degrees in History, Social Science and Philosophy; Master’s degrees in Counseling, Neurolinguistics, and Philosophy; and a Ph.D. in Philosophy, all with a focus on knowledge-how we think, why we think, how our thinking is influenced, and how it manifests itself, how we can distinguish knowledge from opinion.  I became a Certified Hypnotherapist, studied EFT, Reiki, and EMDR on how to manipulate the stories we tell ourselves and rewrite new narratives, a new story, and new blueprints to take us from where we are to where we want to be. 

And how we will work together:

First, we will uncover your story. We’ll explore the stories you’re telling yourself-the ones holding you back and together find the elements to rewrite them into new narratives that will ignite your potential and a new chapter of your life. Not every circumstance or character in your life is meant to be in a chapter; the end of their part and the new chapter begins. Letting go of the familiar can be difficult.

Then, we will challenge your assumptions, the beliefs and assumptions that shape your reality, and consider alternative perspectives.  Suppose you are already engaged in legal action or are contemplating legal action. In that case, I am a collaborative professional and will help you determine how best to manage the cost and effectiveness. This does NOT take the place of a qualified, experienced family law professional, but rather works collaboratively to minimize your costs and minimize unnecessary burdensome contact with them so that they can effectively do what they are trained to do. NEVER underestimate the importance of qualified legal representation!  They understand and speak the language of the Court. It makes everyone’s work more effective if you work with the professionals who prepare you to have all that your attorney needs without racking up unnecessary billable hours. 

We will separate emotion from the “real” work involved in the Court. It’s not always easy to hear, but my job is to tell you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear. EMOTION HAS NO PLACE IN THE COURTROOM. And it’s not a sign that they don’t care. Courts hear dozens of cases a day, hundreds a week, even thousands a month. They would need more time than possibly available to know or remember every nuance of every case. That’s why it’s important to be concise, organized and focused. In collaboration with your legal representation, to consolidate the information and present it
